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News and Social Events


Farewell Amel who was as stellar BA intern Spring-Summer 2021

Amel is an amazing student with so many talents! In addition to provide us with great results, she left us this representation of lab members as she saw us. A great pleasure having her among us and looking forward to her next visit

 Amel Farewell

Picnic Summer Retreat under Sunny Paris (Parc Georges Brassens) June 2021

Farewell Takiy who left well equipped for freezing Aarhus Danemark! 

Farewell Sergiy June 2020

Sergiy spent almost 3 years with us. He was our "Force tranquille" wise, healthy food and hiking tips. Best of luck in your new researcher career at the private sector!

February 2020 we welcomed Ines Sayoud

A new Ph.D. student joined the team, statistical genetics team. She will apply her theoretical maths background to understand the genetic basis of FMD and SCAD Welcome Ines!


ASHG Houston 2019


Fête de la Science 2019

Nabila was the national ambassador for the Inserm of the national action of science festival organized each year. She met important science communicator Fred Courant 'Esprit Sorcier' and of course "C'est pas sorcier", an important TV show on science in France


Dr. Asma Amrani visit Oct 2019

Asma is a Lecturer researcher at the University of Oran, Algeria, and is a long term collaborator of the team. During her visit in Oct 2019, she reinforced her genetic epidemiology background with Takiy and we planned future collaborative efforts


Farewell Délia Oct 2019

Délai left us in Oct 2019 after a year of working in the genetics of FMD. Thanks for everything! 


AHA early career council GPM activities at ESC Paris 2019


Pr Niels Voight visit during ESC

Our collaborator and friend Niels visited us to exchange about our common work on mitral valves. 


Internship Josephine Henry

Joséphine spent 2 months with us as intern working with Takiy and Nabila


Farewell Romain

Romain left the lab after 18 months working on FMD GWAS. Good luck with the new position as a computational biologist at the Genopole campus!


Mengyao defended her thesis! Congratulations Dr YU



Retreat PARCC Spring 2019

For the first time ever, we had gorgeous weather during the Retreat! No rain! Exciting times with posters from all team and Adrien presenting. And of course, the team kept the tradition: all Chaplins!

Heart Valve Society Sitges, Spain

Sergiy and Nabila participated where they presented recent work on mitral valve genomics and met friends from the mitral valve network, especially the Chip Norris lab

Opération Desitination Labo Inserm

We received pupils and explained to them how to extract DNAs from saliva. Nabila coordinated this Sci Comm action at the PARCC with great PhD students from the lab. 

Congratulations Lu!

Lu earned a 3 years PhD fellowship from the Chinese Scientific Council and she will pursue her Ph.D. using this highly competitive funding starting Oct 2019


Welcome to new postdoc and master student Feb 2019

In February 2019 we welcomed Takiy-Eddine Berrandou, PhD. Takiy joined the statistical genetics forces and he will be involved in GWAS of FMD and SCAD. 

 Dana Federici joined also in February for a Master intership of 6 months. She worked with Adrien and the functional genomics group



Lab annual dinner January 2019 

November 2019 two new members joined!

Welcome to Délia Dupré, molecular biology and genetics experiments and Lu Liu, PhD student from China. 



African Academy of Sciences Fellowship Election Dec 2018, Pretoria South Africa


Mengyao Baby Shower Sept 2018


Couscous Party before the summer break 2018


PARCC retreat in Normandy 2018


Fun diners! Mengyao presented and almost won the presentation prize...Adrien presented the FMD work. 

New Year Dinner : we had a hotpot recommended by Mengyao!!

Partners and kids and even former members joined! It was freezing in Paris but a super nice evening. Hotpot was too much food but very nice, as usual. Thanks, Mengyao for arranging this!

March 2018: Welcome Romain Glandier, new computational manager

   Romain joined the ERC team and is helping with computational aspects of the projet. He has experience with sequencing data and is willing to learn genetics and genomics analyses. Welcome!

Feb-April 2018: Marie-Caroline Delebeque

   Marie-Caroline stayed with us for 3 months and she was so efficient in helping for the ethical and legal tasks for the ERC projects. We learned a lot from her and enjoyed working with such a great professional. She is now our legs adviser for the rest of the project, even if she has moved to different projects. It was a pleasure working with you! 

Feb 2018: Siying left the lab

After 2 years with us, Siying left for a new adventure outside academia. She is now exploring machine learning tools in a counseling company, Paris area. Siying was a valuable analyst for the FMD GWAS work. She has so many other skills that you can admire here (Xmas decoration and always having the "fève" during the PARCC annual "Galette" party.


Sept 2017: Welcome Adrien Georges and Sergiy Kyryachenko!

The team was reinforced by the arrival of two experimented molecular biologists to work on how to link genetic loci to genes at FMD and SCAD loci (Adrien) and MVP loci (Sergiy)


January 2017: Welcome Thomas Cloatre!

Thomas is a recently graduated Master2 in biotechnology and will become our research assistant to work on functional genomics of FMD susceptibility genes through the ERC-funded ROSALIND projet. He has experience with cell biology and is excited to lear functional genomics techniques with us. He will start on March and we are all looking forward to welcoming him! 


ERC grant is mentioned in a News Magazine for European Life Sciences





Scientific Sessions AHA 2016

This autumn, Nabila Bouatia-Naji and Mengyao Yu attended this huge and exciting meeting in New Orleans. We enjoyed our time during the Functional Genomics and Translational Biology (FGTB) activities, especially gathering with the early career committee members where Nabila is a vice-chair. 



November 2016: Congratulations to Mengyao! AHA Travel Award

During our participation, Mengyao was awarded the American Heart Association FGTB Council International Travel Award. Here she is receiving her commemorative certificate from Svati Shah, FGTB Chair 2016. 



 We had a lot of fun, we celebrated Mengyao's price with her first American burger and lobster and visited the Louis Armstrong Park in a November sunny day! 




July 2016: Romuald's PhD defense day

July 2016, during the defense, Soto Romuald looked very serious and focused on the jury's questions (Emmanuelle Genin, Brest University, Stéphanie Debette, Bordeaux University, Hervé Perdry, Paris-Sud University, Alexandre Persu, Université Catholique de Louvain, Xavier Jeunemaitre and Nabila Bouatia-Naji, Inserm Paris).


He was much more relaxed once he became Dr Kiando, Congratulations!!! 


June 2016: "Grandes Avancées en Biologie 2016, Institut De France"



Nabila, Siham, Siying, Mengyao, June and Waed 21st June 2016

We did some scientific tourism in front of the Instute de France, Pont des Arts, Paris.

We then enjoyed fantastic conferences on cytoskeleton kinetic assembly, new immunity mechanism
of transfer of antiviral particules in HIV, microbiota role in food behavior, neurological control of false 
souvenirs in mouse model, a nano crossbow defense system in bacteria and molecular evidence 
for cocktail effect on endocrine disruptors. Great program, great venue!

International students and postdocs enjoyed half program delivered in English!


June 2016: Welcome Siying Huang!

Siying is our new postdoc. After a PhD on environmental sciences at University of Michigan and a first postdoc on genetic epidemiology in Canadian Families in Toronto, Siying will work on the genetics and epidemiology of FMD with us. She is intrigued by the several mysteries of this vascular disease and also French language, and food.


April 2016: Young Investigator Award to Nabila for FMD genetics study

13th International Congress of Human Genetics 2-4 April 2016, Kyoto, Japan


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